What is Eyebrow Tattooing? Advantages and Disadvantages - Eye Health Nepal (2025)

What is Eyebrow Tattooing? Advantages and Disadvantages - Eye Health Nepal (1)

Eyebrow tattoo is cosmetic tattooing of the eyebrows. It is different from body tattooing. A trained artist, with the help of a handhold tool consisting of attached needles in a curvilinear shape, then insert the pigments in the dermis of the eyebrow skin. The pigment is of the same colour as the eyebrows are. Many websites claim the pigment is penetrated to the epidermis but if it were epidermis, it would fade in 90 days. Similar hair strokes are made on the skin of the eyebrows which cannot be differentiated.

In this topic, we will more be focused on eyebrow microblading which is a semi-permanent eyebrow technique where natural pigments are used to create hair-like strokes for naturally fuller brows

How long does an eyebrow tattoo last?

There are two types of eyebrow tattoos to choose from one is permanent and another is semi-permanent. The difference between a permanent eyebrow tattoo and a semi-permanent tattoo is the artist uses ink and inserts it deeply into the skin in the permanent eyebrow tattoo. Whereas in the semi-permanent tattoo, the artist uses pigment instead of ink and isn’t injected as deeply as a normal tattoo. The pigment fades with time as the body absorbs it. Different skin has different lasting time. Aftercare also takes time for maintenance in semi-permanent.

eyebrow tattoo vs microblading major difference is permanent vs temporary.

How much time does eyebrow tattooing take?

It takes around 1 hour as told by tattoo artist “Kira Tai” to huffing post. In the early days, the eyebrows look darker than normal. The colours fade after a few days giving it a natural look. So, There is no need to worry if your eyebrows look dark in the initial days of microblading. Some people require 2 sessions as the first one is not totally complete where the second session gives the final touch up.

Does eyebrow tattooing hurt?

Yes, It does hurt. Some anaesthetic gels are applied as a numbing agent. The needle has to penetrate through the dermis. So, it is irritating and slightly painful as told by those who have tried tattooing already.

What is Eyebrow Tattooing? Advantages and Disadvantages - Eye Health Nepal (2)

How much does it cost to have eyebrows tattooed?

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Micro-blading takes around 1-2 hours in normal with a precise trained hand of an artist. It is an expensive procedure. The cost of micro-blading ranges from 100$ to 700$ as told by Kira to huffing post.

What are the advantages and disadvantages?

If you have very few eyebrows, micro-blading help you fake the eyebrow quantity. The process is mostly enjoyed by ladies. An eyebrow tattoo is considered a final touch up to the ladies who do make up.

Eyebrow tattoo adds up glam to your face. Once micro-blading is done, you do not need any makeup for eyebrow separately. It lasts for a longer time.

You can remove it whenever you want.

The process is costly and it is a nightmare for people with oily faces. Permanent scarring and skin, removing the pigment to the surface are the common failures seen in people. It is a slightly irritating procedure. Proper research needs to be done before trying this procedure. No eye doctors are involved in the process so if anything goes wrong, you probably need to consult an ophthalmologist. The artists have very little knowledge about the eye. So it can be a risky process with a blade applied to the eyebrows.

Can you have a tattoo on your eye too?

Yes, Tattooing on the eye is possible. It has been practised since ancient times.

kat von d eyebrow tattoo is an innovative liquid brow liner with a precision brush tip so you can build natural to bold brows. Nowadays there are some artist can performpermanent tattoo for eyebrows


There are two types of eyebrow tattooing one is permanent and another one is microblading which is semi-permanent, most people choose eyebrow microblading because it’s hand-drawn techniques there is less impact on the skin than with traditional permanent eyebrow tattooing, which uses a machine. Microblading creates a more natural look as compared to eyebrow tattooing, which results in brows that appear “drawn on” and flat. Microblading or semipermanent eyebrow tattooing is less painful, quick recovery time after having a tattoo, natural-looking and won’t change colour also.

Eyebrow tattoo removal

Microblading is easier to remove than a permanent eyebrow tattoo. The permanent eyebrow tattoos can be removed using laser technology. A laser emits short pulses of light energy into your eyebrow tattoo. The ink particles in your skin absorb the wavelengths of the laser and shatter the ink particles. With each treatment, the ink particles break down further and further until they are gone. You have to find a Certified, licensed expert to perform your eyebrow tattoo removal. Laser eyebrow tattoo removal is a costly process so you have to think before you plan to have a permanent tattoo.

What is Eyebrow Tattooing? Advantages and Disadvantages - Eye Health Nepal (2025)
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